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How to Find the Best No Win No Fee Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer in NSW
If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident in NSW, you may be feeling overwhelmed and anxious about the future. Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be stressful, but finding the best no win no fee motor vehicle accident lawyer in NSW can help...
What is Workers’ Compensation and Who Can Make a Claim?
Have you suffered a workplace injury or illness as a result of your work? You could be eligible to make a workers’ compensation claim. Learn more about who can make a claim and what a successful claim can get you. Workers’ compensation schemes...
Positive outcome for young accident victim despite late claim lodgement
In a recent motor vehicle accident case taken on by David Marocchi, one of our Paramount Law, we were asked to represent our client Lisa* a young girl of 17 at the time of her accident, in a late claim for desperately-needed compensation. The Legal Requirements: In...Do you qualify for no-win, no-fee legal services?
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